The Raven's Eye is On: Yvonne Mason
When did you begin the process of writing your first book? How long did it take you? What did you find the most challenging?
Yvonne:I began writing my first book in the early 1970'swhen my children were small. I did it because I wanted to leave something behind for my children to remember about my brother who is challenged. It took over thirty years to complete it. The most challenging was finding a publisher who would publish it for me. I have so many rejection letters if started to become a joke at my house. Q: Is there anyone, author or otherwise, in particular you draw inspiration from? If so, how has that influenced your writing?The person who has inpsired me is my brother Stan who is challenged - He never quits no matter how many people tell him that he can't do something. He believes therefore he achieves. To him Failure is Never an option
What comes first for you, the plot or the character?
Yvonne:I began writing my first book in the early 1970'swhen my children were small. I did it because I wanted to leave something behind for my children to remember about my brother who is challenged. It took over thirty years to complete it. The most challenging was finding a publisher who would publish it for me. I have so many rejection letters if started to become a joke at my house. Q: Is there anyone, author or otherwise, in particular you draw inspiration from? If so, how has that influenced your writing?The person who has inpsired me is my brother Stan who is challenged - He never quits no matter how many people tell him that he can't do something. He believes therefore he achieves. To him Failure is Never an option
What comes first for you, the plot or the character?
Yvonne:Sometimes they both arrive at the same time. If depends on what I am writing. If it is true crime it is the people, if it is fiction it just depends on where the character wants to go.
It is becoming more difficult for authors today to become published. Tell me more about what paths you took to success?
Yvonne:Yes, it is more diffucult to get published that is if you believe it so. My path has not been one of ease. I spent many years being rejected by traditional publishers simply because they didn't have time for me.
I decided that I would take control of my destiny and found a way. My first book was finally published in 2007 and I haven't looked back. Yes, I was burned by a Publisher, but that taught me a very valuable lesson. That being that I need to always be in the drivers seat.
Because of the internet getting published is so much easier than it was years ago. I have on book with Kerlak Publishing out of Tennesse and the rest are with Lulu which is a Publish on Demand and I am in control. I load all of my books up to lulu and they are instantly ready to be put in book form. I am all over the internet because I don't have my books in stores I use the net as my store. I have an online bookstore which I sell my books from. They arrive to the buyer signed by me. I am on Amazon both with books and on Kindle. I sell e-books on Lulu as well as my paperback books. I have a cover designer by the name of Debi DeSantis which has really enhanced my sells.
I network with other authors, post blogs, have numerous blog sites and am on facebook and myspace. If any one googles Yvonne Mason they will see I am all over the place. I get my books reviewed by other authors and those are posted all over the net.
I use a press release site by the name of I post press releases all the time and they go all over the net.
I buy my business cards, banners, postcards and other advertising material from Vista print which is online and I carry my business cards and post cards with my book covers on them every where I go. I hand them out all the time.
I always carry a book with me. I am on many blog talk radio shows and do interviews anytime I am asked. I am a member of the Florida Writers Association and do public speaking.
There has to be a discipline in marketing just like there is in writing. It is something one must do every day to be successful as an indie author.
What is the most difficult part of writing for you?
Yvonne:When I can't write. I never run out of things to write about and sometimes all my characters try to talk to me at once. They all want to be heard. I now have two books I am working on and some days it gets very interesting . One is fiction and the other is another true crime
While getting a book onto store shelves is a huge challenge, the work doesn’t end there. How do you go about publicizing your work and keep expanding your fan base even at this stage in your career?
Yvonne:I never stop marketing and networking. I do it every day. I do it every place I go and talk to every one I see.
If your characters could describe you what would they say?
Yvonne:They would say that I am passionate, dedicated, loyal and that they are always telling me what to do.
Do you work with a schedule to get to your deadlines or do you have a more freeform style towards your writing?
Yvonne:I have a semi schedule. Some days I do nothing but marketing and somedays I do nothing but make my books come to life, even if it is just research.
What is the single best piece of advice you could give to someone striving to become a published author?
Yvonne:The best piece of advice is this, Failure is Never an Option. There are always success no matter where one is in their dream. To have tried is to have succeeded. To have never tried is to have failed.
Another piece of advice is this. If you are really serious about being published understand that you will not and I repeat will not become a millionaire. An author must write for the sheer joy of seeing their work in print. That is the easy part. Forget the money. What comes will come. Just write because you love it.
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